Heath Loftis - Christian Testimony

Heath Loftis Christian Testimony Heath Loftis - Christian Testimony
U.S. Senate (Republican)

Personal Beliefs Positions

1.  When and how did you become a Christian?

Heath Loftis:  "I was in a Ken Freeman revival, and I was with a group of my friends. Before the service one of my friends asked me if I would pray with them concerning the upcoming services. It was there I realized I knew a good deal about God and had everyone persuaded that I was saved, but I was not. So I stumbled through a prayer, realizing I had no relationship with God. His Spirit did not bear witness with my spirit that I was a son of God. Being convicted of this reality, listening to the preaching of the gospel, I took God at His Word that He would save me if I believed in my heart, and called on the name of the Lord."

2.  How did becoming a Christian change you?

Heath Loftis:  "Sanctification was not as apparent as it should have been in my teenage years after that tent revival. I struggled with the assurance of my salvation wondering if I did everything right. It wasn't until I went off to college and sat under some great Bible teachers and the reality of 1 John 5:13 hit me. Was I trusting in Him now? If yes, then it doesn't matter if you did everything right back there when you were convicted. It's that you are believing and that HE did everything right. From that point, I had confidence, confidence to witness and confidence in the Scriptures. It was from this place, God called me into the ministry."

3.  How would you describe your relationship with Jesus today?

Heath Loftis:  "Running for office has hampered my prayer life a good deal. I used to spend much more time in intercessory prayers. His working in and through me His good pleasure is still ongoing. I also bear this confidence, 'The Lord will perfect that which concerns me, Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever, forsake not the works of thine own hands.' And now I am as Paul who said, 'I am what I am by the grace of God.' "

4.  Which church in which city do you attend most often?

Heath Loftis:  "I pastor Park Avenue Baptist Church in Stuttgart, Arkansas."

5.  In the past 12 months, how many church services have you attended?

Heath Loftis:  "All of them, 3 services a week. Along with continued Bible studies on Monday and Thursday AM within my community."

6.  In the past 12 months, how much time have you spent in prayer to God daily?

Heath Loftis:  "I feel this to be a closet question, but about 1 hour."

7.  In the past 12 months, how much Bible reading have you averaged daily?

Heath Loftis:  "2-3 hours a day."
Personal Beliefs Positions